Friday, September 10, 2010

MAC Week 2 Comment: Carlos Benitez

Chapters 4,5 and 6 of the book the “The Art of Possibility” continue to evolve within the subject matter of human behavior and very specifically as it relates to the contribution that falls to each person not only in terms of personal fulfillment but also in relation with what should be the contribution to others. The various writers on this subject have been very repetitive in that an important part of our own welfare is inextricably tied to the two-way relationship with our fellows, whether they are our relatives or just friends.

Even renowned authors such as Dr. Deepak Chopra continue stressing the importance of focusing on the positive contributions to others as one of the ways to find inner peace. At a recent conference in the Colombian city of Cali, Dr. Chopra moved hundreds of attendees at the conference "Reinventing the body, reviving the soul" made in the context of the seminar "Exposer." He was very explicit in saying that 75% of happiness has to do with the choices we make. "If we act in line with our creative expression, if our actions have purpose, meaning, and make others happy, we walk toward happiness." But what Dr. Chopra stated is not entirely new, other wonderful authors of these thematic, as is the case of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, widely known for his book "The Power of Positive Thinking" and its invaluable contributions to the theory of positive thinking, have repeated it hundreds of times. One of the great merits of Dr. Peale was to have spoken to us about these concepts more than fifty years ago; he always repeated about the importance of believing in yourself and make a contribution to the cause of others.


I agree with you completely in the power of positive thinking. I have long been an admirer of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. I think we often blame our unhappiness or lack of fulfillment on others, but in reality, we have the choice of how we will greet each day.

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